Holistic Nutrition Services

The nutrition side of our business started over a desire to learn to better manage the health of myself and my family on our own. Over the years, the journey I have been on, the discoveries I have made about how nutrition and lifestyle affects our long term health and well being has instilled a drive and passion within me to support and share my journey with others as they embark on their own journey. I hope that the passion and knowledge I have gained and continue to gain will fire you up and give you the support you have been looking for as well.

1 on 1 Full Consultation

Our 1 on 1 consult package offers you an opportunity to meet with a Certified Holistic Nutritional Consult to discuss your health history, symptoms, and main health concerns. Those concerns could be anything from wishing to gain or lose weight, having trouble sleeping, wanting to support better digestion and so much more. We will create a customized nutrition and wellness plan outlining the determining factors for the recommendations we have made, we will include supplement recommendations, dietary and lifestyle recommendations as well as a 3 day customized meal plan. Email and telephone support for the duration of the plan and a 45 minute follow up appointment 4-6 weeks following the plan. At the follow up we will go over the symptomology once again so you can see changes you may not have noticed yourself and discuss recommendations moving forward to keep you on your path to health.

Journey Starter Package

Our Journey Starter package is for those individuals wishing for a longer term support on their journey to optimum health and wellness. This package includes the 1 on 1 Full Consult package with an upgraded 7 day meal plan and an additional 3, 30 minute consults to discuss accomplishments, struggles and changes required to meet new symptoms throughout the plan. Our bodies are constantly changing and this plan allows the change to follow your journey.

Additional Services

  • 15 minute consult
  • 1/2 hour follow up
  • 1 hour follow up
  • Additional 3 day menu plan
  • Additional 7 day menu plan
  • 30 day menu planning

Why Choose Roots and Soil Homestead Nutrition Services?

I am not a perfect vision of health, but I continue to get healthier each and every day. I enjoy sharing my experiences with my family and friends in the hope that they will see the value in health and wellness as well. My daughter has left home armed with the values I have taught her and is able to look after her health. I hope that my son will be able to do the same. I hope the lessons we have taught them will allow them to live long, healthy lives without health concerns and disease, or at the very least, know that they have the knowledge and support to thrive in any health situation. I continue to arm myself with the latest knowledge on hw to continue this journey and I would love to share it with you. It is never too late to chose a healthier path. Join me today!

Please contact us today to book an appointment. At this time we are offering our appointments by skype, Facetime or by telephone.