Welcome to Roots and Soil Homestead
Preserving Heritage Breeds of Chickens, Geese, and Ducks

Our Poultry Breeds

At Roots and Soil Homestead, we’re committed to raising heritage and exhibition-quality chickens, geese, and ducks. These birds are not only a beautiful addition to the homestead but also serve as exceptional egg producers, sustainable meat sources, and key players in breed conservation efforts.

Exhibition Plymouth Barred Rocks, BBS Ameraucana, and Swedish Flower Hens

Our chicken flock features three stunning and productive breeds:

  • Plymouth Barred Rock: Known for their striking barred plumage and calm demeanor, Barred Rocks are a classic dual-purpose breed. They’re reliable egg layers, producing a steady supply of large brown eggs while also serving as a meaty bird for the table. These birds are our top choice of all our breeds. We have shown them and continue to work on the Standard of Perfection for the breed. Our flock consists of genetics from Alberta, BC and Ontario. We have been working with this group for 5 years now and are thrilled to see improvements in barring, tails and size year after year.
  • BBS Ameraucana: Our Blue, Black, and Splash (BBS) Americana’s are true showstoppers. Beyond their striking appearance, these birds lay beautiful blue eggs that add color to any egg basket. Midge, one of our splash Americana’s is from our start up flock six years ago. She is the oldest hen on the homestead and a family favorite. The personality of these girls and the roosters cannot be beat.
  • Swedish Flower Hen: A rare and colorful breed from Sweden, these hens are hardy, friendly, and excellent foragers. Their multicolored plumage makes each bird unique, and they’re productive layers of light-colored eggs. Swedish Flower Hens are a landrace breed rather than a Heritage Breed. We enjoy the different colors they add to our flock and they are the best foragers around.

Sebastopol Geese

We are proud to raise Sebastopol geese, a rare and elegant breed known for their soft, curling feathers. At Roots and Soil Homestead, we currently have two pairs: smooth-chested females, one smooth-chested male, and one full-curly male. These geese are not only beautiful but also excellent predator alarms for other livestock and productive layers of large, seasonal eggs. Sebastopol’s are a critical breed for conservation efforts, and we are dedicated to preserving their genetic diversity.

Exhibition-Quality Silver Appleyard Ducks

Our Silver Appleyard ducks are a dual-purpose breed prized for their meat quality and prolific egg production. These large, calm ducks are excellent layers of creamy white eggs, making them a valuable addition to any homestead. With their striking plumage and gentle temperament, they’re as beautiful as they are practical. One of our hens recently won Show Champion at the National Poultry Show in the Waterfowl Category.

Why Heritage Breeds?

Heritage breeds represent a vital link to agricultural history, offering traits that modern hybrids lack—such as natural foraging abilities, adaptability to various climates, and disease resistance. By raising heritage poultry, we’re helping preserve these irreplaceable genetics while enjoying their outstanding productivity.

Egg Production and Dual-Purpose Benefits

At Roots and Soil Homestead, we believe in raising livestock that contributes to both sustainability and self-sufficiency. All of our birds are exceptional egg layers, providing a reliable source of food for our family and community. Many of our breeds are also dual-purpose, offering premium-quality meat alongside their egg production.

Get Involved in Breed Conservation

If you’re looking for heritage chickens, geese, or ducks to start or expand your homestead, we’d love to help. By choosing heritage breeds, you’re not only adding productive animals to your flock but also playing a role in preserving agricultural diversity for future generations.

Contact us today to learn more or to reserve your heritage poultry from Roots and Soil Homestead!